 THE ALTER (Benjamin Carroll)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Louise Simonson and Chris Batista

The Original Universe


Real Name: Benjamin Carroll
Aliases: Adam Kroft (birth name)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mr. Kroft (father; deceased); Ms. Carroll (aunt)
Gender: Male
Hair: (Benjamin Carroll): Light brown; (The Alter): None
First Appearance: (as Benjamin Carroll): Steel #0 (October 1994): "In the Beginning!"
(as the Alter) Steel #9 (November 1994): "Bad News"
Creators: Louise Simonson and Chris Batista


Abused as a child, Adam Kroft presumably killed his father when his metagene activated, creating the Alter. A split personality, it is not known if the Alter existed before Kroft's powers manifested.

Kroft was sent to live with an aunt in Chicago who changed his name to Benjamin Carroll. Years later, Adam Kroft would be listed as a missing person. Benjamin's aunt was very religious, and obsessed with redemption. It is believed this may have influenced her nephew both positively and negatively in the years to come.

As an adult, Benjamin Carroll became a detective but would lapse into the Alter and lethally strike at child abusers. As time went on, Carroll was transferred to Washington, DC. where he renewed his attacks as Alter. He soon came into conflict with Steel III. Carroll was revealed to be the Alter and defeated.

The Alter was later a prisoner at the Slab who joined an uprising led by Sonar II. Sonar, Alter and their allies were defeated by Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) and the Sledge. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #79


The Alter had increased strength and resistance to injury. He also had sharp claws or nails to use in a slashing attack.


For a definitive list of appearances of The Alter in chronological order click here